Maura McAdam
Professor Maura McAdam is an engaged thought leader in the areas of succession, Next Gen leadership, diversity, family dynamics, and learning and consulted in these areas. Professor Maura McAdam was brought up in a family business in Ireland and has always been interested in succession and next generation leadership in family businesses. Prior to entering academia, she spent several years in industry. She is currently a Professor of Management and Director of Entrepreneurship at Dublin City University (DCU). Between 2016-2019, she was DCU National Centre of Family Business’s (DCU NCFB) Research Director, leading its research agenda and engaging with its sponsors in developing deeper research with impact engagements. Since 2019, she has been a member of DCU NCFB’s Advisory Board.
Prof Maura McAdam is an internationally recognised pioneer, and a key expert in entrepreneurship and family business and has published many journal articles, book chapters and books on family business and entrepreneurship. In 2021 and 2022, she has been ranked as the World’s Top 2% most-cited scientists by Stanford University.
Prof Maura McAdam has helped entrepreneurs, family businesses, corporates, government organisations with their strategic decision-making. She is also a mentor and coach to many entrepreneurs and Next Gen Family Business leaders and is an accredited Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).
Prof Maura McAdam and regular media commentator on women’s entrepreneurship and family business in print and radio. She is also a sought-after keynote speaker both for academic and practitioner audiences. Prof Maura McAdam is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and since 2022, a selected member of the Royal Irish Academy’s (2022-2026) Social Sciences Committee. In 2019, she received an Irish Women’s Award and in 2022 she was a Women Mean Business finalist in the Empowering Women Category.